
The NCMNS API and Data Publishing Platform is a multi-purpose, publicly accessible, and versatile RESTful API. Divided into three primary classes, the API serves an array of biological and geographical datasets alongside a series of services to support existing workflows and processes. In addition to the traditional role of REST APIs, the NCMNS API also serves as a blueprint for the design and construction of REST APIs in biodiversity, geological, paleontological, and museum collections informatics.

Project Links

NCMNS API Homepage https://data.naturalsciences.org
NCMNS API Documentation https://data.naturalsciences.org/api/docs

Related GitHub Projects/Repositories

Development of the NCMNS API is divided into components, each managed using a separate GitHub repository. Currently, all components are in a preliminary/draft stage of development. Accordingly, the corresponding repositories are private, accessible by request only. When a component reaches production level (version 1.0), the repository will be switched to public.

Repo Link
NCMNS API Project Documentation NCMuseumNaturalSciences/ncmns-api-project-docs
Web Application Source Code NCMuseumNaturalSciences/ncmns-api-mysticeti
API Response Schemas NCMuseumNaturalSciences/ncmns-api-response-schemas


The current NCMNS API and Data Publishing Platform, referred to as Project Mysticeti, is the sixth generation platform succeeding the fourth generation, which remains partially published at the subdomain, https://api.naturalsciences.org. Upon launch of the current platform, resources belonging to the Data Product and Vocabulary Resource Classes migrated to the v2 API namespace. All endpoints that belong to the Service Resource Class remain in the v1 namespace. For additional information regarding the evolution of the data platform, please see the history documentation (https://github.com/NCMuseumNaturalSciences/ncmns-api-project-docs/history).

Technology Stack

Laravel 8.x
Vue.js 2.x
PostgreSQL 12
PostGIS 3
MySQL 5.7
Bootstrap 4
Leaflet 1.7
Google Fonts: Roboto and Hind+Vadodara

Project Contact

Ben Norton
Head of Technology, Collections Data Curator, and Collections Manager of Mineralogy
North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences
Research & Collections